Legal Notice

updated 5 Juin 2024

Site owner: Mauret jerome

Contact: Email

Billing: Productions Associés asbl
Rue Coenraesstraat 72, 1060 Brussel
VAT: BE:0896.755.397

Collection of personal data

This site does not record personal information allowing identification, with the exception of data voluntarily encoded in the contact form. The information received is subject to our confidentiality conditions and will under no circumstances be sold or shared to third parties; we will only use it to send you letters, brochures, quotes or contact you.


Non-personal information is recorded by this cookie system (text files used to recognize a user and thus facilitate their use of the site). They allow us to improve our website, as well as the services offered by our company. These have no meaning outside of their use on this site.

1. What is a cookie?

The term “cookie” designates all the tracers deposited and/or read, for example, when consulting a website or an advertisement. This is information placed on the hard drive of the Internet user's terminal (computer, tablet, mobile) by the site's server. It can only be read by its issuer and allows, during its validity period, to recognize your browser during your visit or during a subsequent visit.

The cookie does not identify you personally but only the browser of your terminal and does not have access to any other information on your terminal.

Cookies often ensure generally easier and faster interaction between the visitor and the website (e.g. a cookie that remembers the Internet user's chosen language). In fact, they memorize your preferences and thus allow you to speed up your subsequent access to the site and facilitate your visits. Additionally, they can help you navigate between different parts of the website. Some cookies may also be used to make the content of a website, or the advertising on that website, more relevant to the visitor and adapt the website to the visitor's personal tastes and needs.

2. The different types of cookies used

Five types of cookies may be stored (but are not systematically used by this site) in your terminal when you surf our site.

2.1 Technical and functional cookies

Technical cookies include:

- cookies essential for browsing our websites which allow you to use the main functionalities of the sites;

- functional cookies which give you access to specific functionalities when you request them (such as recognizing you, signaling your passage to a particular page), improve your browsing comfort and the performance of your browser.

They allow you to:

- navigate quickly and efficiently between the different sections within the website and help you return to previous pages;

- adapt the presentation of the sites to the display preferences of your terminal by memorizing them (e.g. location, navigation data, etc.);

- memorize information relating to a form completed on the site;

- securely verify your identity before granting access to your personal information when a personal account has been created.

If you configure your browser to block any cookies (see point 3.3), certain sections of the website will not work as they should, or even no longer at all, due to the non-existence of technical and functional cookies.

Strictly necessary (technical) cookies have a lifespan equal to the time of the session; functionality cookies for the duration of the session, a few hours and a maximum of one year.

2.2 Audience measurement cookies (statistics)

These cookies, issued by us or by our service providers (Google Analytics), make it possible to measure the audience for the different contents and sections of our site in order to evaluate them and better organize them. The data collected is for example: the number of visitors, the time spent on a page, the type of page consulted afterwards.

These cookies also make it possible, if necessary, to detect navigation problems and therefore to improve the usability of our services. These cookies only produce anonymous statistics and traffic volumes, excluding any individual information.

2.3 Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies record information on Internet users' navigation, and can deduce their interests or their journey on the website. They then allow companies to personalize the advertising that the Internet user will see depending on the actions carried out on the site visited but also on other sites using the same advertising network.

2.4 Social network cookies

Our site may contain cookies sharing links to Facebook, Twitter and other similar social networks. This may impact the content and messages displayed on the websites you visit. These sharing links redirect you to the respective environments of the different social networks and therefore depend on their specific Cookie Policies.

If you do not want our site to record cookies allowing interaction with social networks, you can express your choice directly on:

Facebook Opt-out link

X Opt-out link

Google Opt-out link

Linkedin Opt-out link

Yahoo Opt-out link

Youtube Opt-out link

The lifespan of these cookies does not exceed 13 months.

2.5 Tracking Pixel

The tracking pixel allows platforms (generally social networks or webmail services: Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) to qualify the audience of our site by connecting it with their own information. These pixels allow the platforms, if you are connected to them simultaneously, to track your browsing on our site and establish a profile of your interests.

This data is governed by the general conditions of the platforms in question. They are anonymous and do not allow you to be identified as a person. They then allow us to send you relevant content through these platforms, corresponding to your interests linked to your consumption habits on our sites.

The tracking pixel does not deposit local storage or cookies.

3. How to manage cookies?

The use of certain non-necessary cookies (apart from our technical, functional and audience measurement cookies) requires your prior and explicit consent. However, you can choose at any time to refuse all or some of these cookies. You have different ways to manage your choices regarding cookies.

Most internet browsers are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your browser to accept or block cookies. How to enable or disable cookies and delete them depends on your device and internet browser (see point 3.3).

You can delete cookies already installed on your computer or mobile device at any time. Any settings you may make may modify your Internet browsing and your conditions of access to certain services requiring the use of cookies.

You can configure your navigation software so that:
- cookies are recorded in your terminal or, on the contrary, they are refused, either systematically or depending on their issuer;
- the acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you from time to time, before a cookie is likely to be recorded in your terminal.

3.1 The cookie agreement

The recording of an unnecessary cookie in a terminal is subject to the prior consent of the user of the terminal, which he can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to him by his navigation software.

If you have accepted the recording of cookies in your terminal in your browser software, the cookies integrated into the pages and content that you have consulted may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will be readable only by their issuer.

3.2 Refusal of cookies

If you refuse the recording of certain types of cookies in your terminal, or if you delete those recorded there, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of functionalities which are nevertheless necessary to navigate in certain spaces of our website. This would be the case if you tried to access our content or services which require you to identify yourself. This would also be the case when we - or our service providers - could not recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by your terminal, its language and display settings or the country from which your terminal appears to be connected. to the Internet.

If applicable, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you have refused or deleted.

If you wish to refuse commercial cookies (including Google), you can do so using the following website:

3.3 How to manage cookies depending on the browser you use

For the management of cookies and your choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will allow you to know how to modify your cookie preferences.

For Internet Explorer: http://windows.

For Safari: -be/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

For Chrome: http:/ /

For Firefox: /fr/kb/authorize-block-cookies-preferences-sites

For Opera: latest/web-preferences/#cookies

For other browsers: please refer to your browser's help or go to the publisher's website

Contact forms

When you fill out a form on our website, the data entered in the form but also your IP address, the date of entry and the source URL are collected to allow us to contact you by telephone or email and to detect using your IP, if it is a robot or an abuse of the use of our form. This data is used to respond to commercial requests received from the form.

Content embedded from other sites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Content embedded from other sites behaves the same as if the visitor went to that other site.

These websites could collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, track your interactions with this embedded content if you have an account connected to their website.

Audience statistics and measurements

In order to track our audience measurements, our site is linked to Google Analytics (see their privacy policy We could possibly carry out statistical analyzes without these being nominative and could inform third parties (attendance evaluation) in a summarized and non-nominative form.

Privacy preferences and user-defined consents

You can check and modify your privacy preferences and consents via the tool accessible via my Preferences.

Use and transmission of your personal data

We do not share data received on the site (comments, forms or other data) with any third-party provider or partner or other external service.

Storage times for your data

For users who register on our site (if possible), we store the personal data indicated in their profile. All users can view, modify or delete their personal information at any time (except for their username, which cannot be modified). Site managers can also view and modify this information. The data is stored for an indefinite period, until deleted.

For data received by forms, it is sent and stored in the emails received. There is no recording of this data on the site or in a database.

This data is kept indefinitely in our emails until our emails are deleted.

The rights you have over your data

If you have an account on the site, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data that we have about you, including that which you have provided to us. You can also request the modification or deletion of personal data concerning you. This does not take into account data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes.

Transmission of your personal data

No personal data is transmitted outside of processing carried out by Actidis SRL (see GDPR declaration).

Contact Information

For any request concerning personal data concerning you on this site (consultation, modification, deletion, etc.) as well as for any information concerning our policy of recording and processing personal data, you can contact us via address info[at]

Additional information

For any additional information regarding our policy relating to the protection of personal data (for example, how we protect your data, the procedures implemented in the event of a data leak, the subcontractors required to carry out processing of your data, any automated marketing and/or profiling operations carried out using personal data, etc.), consult our declaration relating to the GDPR,

Conditions of use of this site

The elements existing on this site (logos, icons, infographics, photographs, texts) are protected by the intellectual property and copyright of their respective authors and in most cases are the property of Actidis SRL. No use, reproduction or representation is authorized without the explicit consent of Actidis SRL. By visiting this site, you agree to its terms of use.

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